ventilation & air conditioning solutions

+44 (0)1706 227 935

Here‘s an update on our growing CASWELL FRD fleet featuring CASWELL FIRESAFE® branding.

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The logos of our various industry Association memberships and accreditations by third-party Certification bodies may be impressive but it’s the CASWELL FIRESAFE® logo that takes precedence.

20230212_152915-removebg-preview (9)_WITH CF_WITH RR TEXT_NO REG.pngThis simple brand assurance provides our customers with that ‘warm blanket’ feeling. Maybe that sounds like fuzzy marketing-speak but it truly symbolises our commitment to best-practice, compliant Passive Fire Protection.  

Not only do we manufacture CASWELL FIRESAFE® systems (under our CASWELL FRD name) but we also install them. Not only do we install them but our Compliance Team provide a thorough check before signing a Certificate of Conformity to testify that they are installed correctly. It’s a specialist role, so we thought they deserved their own special van.